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The Hulet group uses ultracold lithium atoms to explore quantum many-body phenomena. Using optical lattices, we confine atomic fermions to periodic potentials or to low-dimensions where strong correlations and emergent behavior arise. The extreme tunability of lattice parameters, density, and even geometry, fulfills the requirements of a versatile analog quantum simulator …. click to continue reading

Recent Publications

Thermal disruption of a Luttinger liquid:

Danyel Cavazos-Cavazos*, Ruwan Senaratne*, Aashish Kafle, and Randall G. Hulet, Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 3154 (2023) – Published 31 May 2023 Full Text

Spin-charge separation in a 1D Fermi gas with tunable interactions:

Ruwan Senaratne*, Danyel Cavazos-Cavazos*, Sheng Wang, Feng He, Ya-Ting Chang, Aashish Kafle, Han Pu, Xi-Wen Guan, and Randall G. Hulet, Science, 376, 6599 (2022) – Published 16 June 2022 PDF

Collisional Loss of One-Dimensional Fermions near a p-Wave Feshbach Resonance:

Ya-Ting Chang, Ruwan Senaratne, Danyel Cavazos-Cavazos, Randall G. Hulet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 263402 – Published 30 December 2020 PDF

Creation and Characterization of Matter-Wave Breathers:

De Luo, Yi Jin, Jason H. V. Nguyen, Boris A. Malomed, Oleksandr V. Marchukov, Vladimir A. Yurovsky, Vanja Dunjko, Maxim Olshanii, R. G. Hulet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 183902 – Published 30 October 2020 PDF

Quantum Fluctuations of the Center of Mass and Relative Parameters of Nonlinear Schrödinger Breathers:

Oleksandr V. Marchukov, Boris A. Malomed, Vanja Dunjko, Joanna Ruhl, Maxim Olshanii, Randall G. Hulet, and Vladimir A. Yurovsky, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 050405 – Published 28 July 2020 PDF

Methods for Preparing Quantum Gases of Lithium:

Randall G. Hulet, Jason H. V. Nguyen, and Ruwan Senaratne, Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 011101 (2020) PDF

Correlations generated from high-temperature states: Nonequilibrium dynamics in the Fermi-Hubbard model:

Ian G. White, Randall G. Hulet, and Kaden R. A. Hazzard, Physical Review A 100, 033612 (2019) PDF

Splitting of nonlinear-Schrödinger breathers by linear and nonlinear localized potentials:

Oleksandr V. Marchukov, Boris A. Malomed, Vladimir A. Yurovsky, Maxim Olshanii, Vanja Dunjko, and Randall G. Hulet, Physical Review A 99, 063623 (2019) PDF

Parametric Excitation of a Bose-Einstein Condensate: From Faraday Waves to Granulation:

J.H.V. Nguyen, M.C. Tsatsos, D. Luo, A.U.J. Lode, G.D. Telles, V.S. Bagnato, and R.G. Hulet, Physical Review X 9, 011052 (2019) PDF Supplemental Materials

Measurement of the Dynamical Structure Factor of a 1D Interacting Fermi Gas:

T. L. Yang, P. Grisins, Y. T. Chang, Z. H. Zhao, C. Y. Shih, T. Giamarchi, and R. G. Hulet, Physical Review Letters 121, 103001 (2018) PDF Supplemental Materials

Dissociation of One-Dimensional Matter-Wave Breathers due to Quantum Many-Body Effects:

Vladimir A. Yurovsky, Boris A. Malomed, Randall G. Hulet, and Maxim Olshanii, Physical Review Letters 119, 220401 (2017) PDF

Jimmy received the Kevin Strecker Award!!

2024-05-03 :

Jimmy Yeh received the Kevin Strecker Award in recognition of his excellent performance on the qualifying exam and research proposal. Well done, Jimmy!

Eva has defended her PhD thesis!

2024-01-05 :

Congratulations to Eva, who has successfully defended her PhD thesis entitled “Decoherence of Matter-Wave Breathers in Lithium Bose Einstein-Condensates”. We wish Eva continued success upon her future career at Booz Allen Hamilton!

Welcome Ellie, Mike and Sara!

2023-06-29 :

We welcome Ellie, Mike, and Sarah to our group during the summer.

Ellie is a senior student from Middlebury College, Vermont. She is working on the circuit and low-noise power supply for the p-wave superfluid experiment.

Mike is a Rice undergraduate student. He is building an AOM driver to be used for UV MOT narrow linewidth cooling of Lithium 6.

Sarah is a senior student at the University of Sao Paolo, Brazil. She studies the granulation of a BEC by modulating the scattering length using a Feshbach resonance.

Welcome to Hulet Lab!!

Welcome David!

2023-06-01 :

We welcome David, a new Ph.D. student at Rice from Tecnologico de Monterrey, Mexico. He is helping to build the new apparatus to detect FFLO superconductivity with Jimmy.

New Paper on the spin-incoherent Luttinger Liquid!

2023-05-31 :

Our paper “Thermal disruption of a Luttinger liquid” has been published in Nature Communications. Our results probe the crossover between the coherent and incoherent regimes of the Luttinger liquid, and elucidate the interplay between the charge and the spin degrees of freedom in this regime. Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 3154 (2023)

Mailing Address

6100 Main Street
Dept of Physics and Astronomy, MS-61
Rice University
Houston, TX 77005

Physical Address

Brockman Hall for Physics
Room B01

Lab Phone


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Contact Randall Hulet

713-348-6087 (phone)

713-348-5492 (fax)
